Friday, 30 December 2011

Joe Strummer a short tribute

22nd December 2011 was the 9th anniversary of the passing of the great Joe Strummer, one of my all time heroes and someone who is still as relevant to me now as he ever was. I still remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. I was working in East London and whilst walking down East Ham High Street I started getting texts from friends who were also Clash fans, so I knew it was no bizarre wind up but still an incredulous moment when belief is suspended! I got incredibly drunk that night.

I first saw Joe with his band Latino Rockabilly War at the Milton Keynes Bowl in 1988 at an Amnesty International gig. One of my friends had passed out through too much beer and weed (it was only about 3 in the afternoon) and I remember spending the first 5 minutes of Joe’s set trying to revive him as he had said he didn’t want to miss Joe! Well neither did I so I left him to it and moved down to the front. Never saw the Clash live much to my disappointment but Joe always played as much Clash material with whatever band he was playing as he did the new album he was promoting. He didn’t disappoint on this occasion either and Mick joined him on stage at the end!

I saw the Mescaleros on several occasions and never saw a gig that didn't leave me feeling exhilerated and 10ft tall! Joe had that effect on people especially when he was projecting it from the stage! They say you should never meet your heroes for fear of disappointment. I agree, except with Joe, he was a man that one wanted to meet and I never did. My brother met him when he attended Suggs’ daughter’s 18th birthday party a good few years ago. I am and always will be very envious!

As we approach 2012 the UK is decimated by recession, rising unemployment the worst it has been in a generation, not seen since the mid 70’s and the fucking Tories are back in No. 10. This is a time that is crying out for someone like Joe Strummer but he was unique! Fortunately his work still resonates 35 years on, we were lucky to have had him!