Monday, 31 October 2011

Reunions good or bad?

After the furore of the recent announcement of the Stone Roses reforming it got me thinking about the motivation of bands that have attained an almost mythical status due to their (sometimes) brief existance as a touring/recording band to do this! In many cases it is only for the money and why not! The record industry has changed radically in recent years and the only real money these days is in touring! However it can be a tad irritating when its dressed up as something else!!

I've nothing against the Stone Roses, I saw them in 1989 (I think) in Tonbridge of all places and they were good! I think their first album is excellent and like many when Second Coming was finally released after years of waiting I was a little disappointed. I've enjoyed Ian Brown's solo work and fondly remember the 90's prog rock of Squire's Seahorses. However this is the band that said they would never reform  but apparently a chance meeting at a funeral allowed various feuding members to bury the hatchet, complete some unfinished business and even plan to release songs written between both their albums (or so I'm told). I hope everyone who see's them next summer thoroughly enjoys the experience but its not really for me this time around!

Other recent examples were the Led Zeppelin one off at the O2 a couple of years ago unlikely to be repeated and of course Pink Floyd, now I can't stand Pink Floyd but I think there is a distinct risk of them deciding to tour again especially with the entire back catalogue being rereleased yet again ove rthe past couple of months!

I'm pleased the Clash never got round to it but I think it is possible it may have happened if Joe was still with us, I guess we'll never know but that is what was part of their legend the fact that it could have happened many times over the subsequent years but never did, although they joined each other on stage a number of times during various members solo outings!

The Smiths is the one that everyone would go absolutely crazy for! One of my all time favourite bands reforming after more than 20 years! Would I be happy? No I fucking would not!! I need not fear though, there is as much chance of that happeneing as there is of Torres finishing top scorer in the league! Morrissey and Marr simply don't like each other!

The one I would find amusing is the slightly absurd but much touted Abba reunion! They have allegedly been offered $1billion buy some oligarch or other on more than one occasion and yet Benny and Bjorn continue to resist! How much money does someone really need though and Agnetha is apparenlty an island dwelling recluse so don't hold your breath Euro Popsters!

For me though I'm holding out for the return of Bowie. What are the chances of The Thin White Duke dazzling us with one more album and maybe a short tour? Absolutely no chance in my opinion but at least he would escape the dreaded 'reunion' tag if he did.....

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