Sunday, 21 August 2011

Debut Posting

Well I've been wanting to do this for a while, and by 'this' I mean writing a blog! Since I've been using Twitter I've come across a number of wonderfuly written blogs which have not only entertained me but also served as my inspiration! I read mostly Arsenal blogs and those related to music I'm interested in, there seem to be plenty knocking about, too many maybe but I don't care about that, for me its as much about getting a thought put into words and hopefully getting it out there! If someone reads it, I'm grateful.

Anyway just a thought about the football this weekend, specifically the EPL and the frustration of being a Gooner at the moment. We look like a club in crisis and maybe we are but with what could be a season defining 7 days ahead (Jesus the season is one week old) we get a result in Italy on Wednesday 0-0 will do and we take something from OT next Sunday things may ease! Arsene might even 'spend some fucking money' on a CB, DM, Striker etc in the same time frame, rumours abound that nothing will happen until our fate is decided on Wednesday! Who knows, the club aren't saying anything as usual!!

Finally please forgive my amateurish efforts, I designed this thing myself and I (clearly) have not got a clue what I'm doing but all things in time will improve...